Saturday, May 11, 2013

Well, Well, Well!

I am so thrilled with the new enhancement to Studio J I just had to share with you!  It used to be that you could add text boxes anywhere you wanted, which was great.  But there would be many times when I wished I could add another picture or two to my layout but couldn't so would have to decide which one to leave out (poor thing).  That is no longer a problem because Studio J now has the ability to let you add photo wells!  Yippee!  Any size you want, anywhere you want...I'm in heaven.  And for those people who still prefer the classic style of scrapbooking, this feature comes in handy for printing your pictures in just the right size for those layouts.  All you have to do is use the No Limits design, place all the photos on the sheet and have them printed.  Then they'll all ready for you to cut out and add to your layout.  Easy peasy!

Smiles, Caron

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